/ by Thomas DeVoss


NL Architects Unveils Ascending Green-Roofed Staircase Office | Inhabitat

“NL Architects recently unveiled a beautiful green-roofed office complex for the Welfare Department and Work Agency of the City of Groningen in the Netherlands.…


NL Architects Unveils Ascending Green-Roofed Staircase Office | Inhabitat

NL Architects recently unveiled a beautiful green-roofed office complex for the Welfare Department and Work Agency of the City of Groningen in the Netherlands. Featuring ample amounts of daylight, large open public spaces, and an ascending series of terraced green roofs, the new SoZaWe office is sure to welcome the citizens who come in for assistance while inspiring for the employees who work there.”

Source: http://inhabitat.com/2009/11/23/nl-archite...