/ by Thomas DeVoss



“In the district of Lombok in the city of Utrecht, The Netherlands, the first pop-up lounge has been placed. Pop-Up, a piece of furniture for public space, is a design of Carmela Bogman and Rogier Martens.”
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“In the district of Lombok in the city of Utrecht, The Netherlands, the first pop-up lounge has been placed. Pop-Up, a piece of furniture for public space, is a design of Carmela Bogman and Rogier Martens.”

Read more at: http://popupcity.net/2010/05/street-furniture-pops-up-when-needed/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+popupcity+%28The+Pop-Up+City%29&utm_content=Bloglines

Source: http://landscapearchitecture.tumblr.com/po...