green roof
Casa MT by SR+B Lab
The plot is nestled in the mountains of Valtellina in the middle of the alps,surrounded by terraced vineyards.
rooftop garden (via Lolitas blog)
Lavish Gardens Sprout Up on Luxury Penthouse Roofs
Luxury homeowners living in urban penthouses and terraces are installing bespoke greenscapes as carefully curated—and sometimes as costly—as art collections.
Akikawa Tokyo by ogino.taro on Flickr.
Lincoln Heights, Los Angeles.
Master plan by Thomas DeVoss.
Lincoln Heights is an emerging neighborhood at the confluence of the Arroyo Seco and Los Angeles Rivers.
This master plan builds off the Cleantech corridor plan, the Perkins and Will plan, the Cornfields plan, and the LA Riverworks plans for river revitalization. This new plan aims to position Lincoln Heights for self-sustainability and enhanced connectivity to the rest of the city. Primary goals: Unify the North and South sides of the river, create new pedestrian and bike paths, mend the break in the LA River bike path, add urban agriculture and leisure, and provide for healthy wetland habitat…
// Architecture + Landscape
Chateau Cheval Blanc Winer
By Christian de Portzamparc
Photography by Studio Erick Saillet
Shepard’s lodge in the Breite Oak Tree Reserve near Sighisoara, Transylvania, Romania.
Contributed by Andrei Becheru.
Tungkwan, China
One of the most radical solutions in the field of shelter is represented by the underground towns and villages in the Chinese loess belts. Loess is silt, transported and deposited by the wind. Because of its great softness and high porosity, it can be easily carved. In places, roads have been cut as much as 40 feet deep into the original level by the action of wheels. In the provinces of Honnan, Shansi, Shensi, and Kansu about ten million people live in dwellings hollowed out from loess.
The dark squares in the flat landscape are pits an eighth of an acre in area, or about the size of a tennis court. Their vertical sides are 25 to 30 feet high. L-shaped staircases lead to the apartments below who rooms are about 30 feet deep and 15 feet wide, and measure about 15 feet to the top of the vaulted ceiling. They are lighted and aired by openings that give onto the courtyard.
From the top one can only see small trees placed carefully above each staircase that leads downward. The tree acts as the official sign of the house, so you don’t describe your house to visitors or give a house number but tell them about your tree.
Architecture Without Architects // Bernard Rudofsky