/ by Thomas DeVoss

“Intended as a neighborhood kindergarten, The Little Dipper was partly built on its Olive Hill site before Aline Barnsdall, impatient with cost overruns, halted construction. Of interest as it relates to the Doheny Ranch project, the drawing dā€¦

Intended as a neighborhood kindergarten, The Little Dipper was partly built on its Olive Hill site before Aline Barnsdall, impatient with cost overruns, halted construction. Of interest as it relates to the Doheny Ranch project, the drawing demonstrates a clear advance in angular planning. Diagonal segments of the plan are smoothly integrated into bridging elements that link terraces and pools into a single, persuasive composition.

Office of Frank Lloyd Wright Graphite and colored pencil on tracing paper, ca. 1923
The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, Scottsdale, Arizona (24)”

Source: http://www.loc.gov/exhibits/flw/flw04.html