Bass Residence / Paul Rudolph
Location: Fort Worth, Texas
California, 1940.
Hats off to The GreenHouse vertical farm! In a 48’x48’ greenhouse, the farm grows 135,000 plants a year in Tower Gardens, using 5% of the water used by outdoor farming. The farm supplies Walt Disney World resorts, along with Emeril’s Orlando, Ritz Carlton, Marriott World Center & the Hilton with fresh greens and herbs year round. “We also have incredibly small losses, and the consistency of growing allows us to be able to deliver the same quantities weekly to our restaurants, making us a lot more reliable than “traditional” farms.”… Katherine Grandey, Co-Founder & Owner of The GreenHouse
READ: http://futuregrowing.wordpress.com/2014/02/12/thegreenhouse/
india, 2013
More at That’s Simply Amazing
Nubian pyramids from around 100 B.C. to 150 A.D., University of Chicago Expedition to Egypt and Sudan, 1906
Aarhus University campus by C. F. Møller Architekten
The original scheme for the campus park was made by the famous Danish landscape architect C. Th. Sørensen.
roppongi urban farm, tokyo/on design
via: chrisbarré
Le Jardin Plume. Designed by the owners Patrick and Sylvie Quibel. Photo by Allan Pollack-Morris.
See more garden designs on my facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/gdbycm.
Laura Gilpin (1891–1979)
Steps of the Castillo, Chichen Itza, 1932
The Cubes at Cove Park P>This artists community on the west coast of Scotland divided this shipping container into three “cubes,” each functioning as an individual artist retreat suite.The green roof and other natural features help tie the recycled container into the beauty of the surrounding landscape.
Cities From The Sky
1 •Dubaï, Émirats Arabes Unis.
2 • Shanghai, Chine.
3 • Mexico, Mexique.
4 • Barcelone, Espagne.
5 • Amsterdam, Pays-Bas.
6 • Venise, Italie
7 • Moscou, Russie.
8 • San Francisco, États-Unis.
9 • Paris, France.
10 • Seattle, Etats-Unis.
via fubiz