/ February 19, 2014 by Thomas DeVoss deathandmysticism: Nubian pyramids from around 100 B.C. to 150 A.D., University of Chicago Expedition to Egypt and Sudan, 1906
/ December 26, 2012 by Thomas DeVoss acidadebranca: Black & White Illustration | 3261 | source PALACE OF SENNACHERIB. Discovered in a mound 1850 feet long, 1145 feet wide, and 178 feet high.
/ December 5, 2011 by Thomas DeVoss acidadebranca: Black & White Plans [384] THE SOLAR TEMPLE OF AMEN-RA AT KARNAK, EGYPT via
/ September 29, 2011 by Thomas DeVoss kilele: Inside the Karnak temple in Luxor, Egypt Photo by Guillaume Roche