/July 6, 2010 by Thomas DeVoss YOU-ARE-HERE.COMis a pictoral presentation of the wealth of architecture and buildings which contribute to the greatness of Los Angeles. Through the perceptive eye of a less skilled photographer and his hard-to-find writings, it portrays what is an extraordinary city not only of Southern California, but the world as well. A place on the move, of the future, yet an area with a unique and rich heritage all it’s own. Historic BuildinGs1880 - 1940MaPModern + SkYscraPer1930 - 2007NEIGHBORHODSAnGelino HeiGhtsArts DistrictBroadwaY ←Bunker HillChinatownCitY WestCivic CenterHistoric El PuebloFashion DistrictLittle TokYoSPrinG Street ←South ParkToY DistrictWest LakePUBLIC ARTGraffitiSPraY PaintAerosolMuralsSculPtures + ReliefsStatues + Fountains GREATER LOS ANGELESHistoric BuildinGs1790 - 1940Modern Architecture1920 - 19491950 - 19591960 - 19691970 - 19791980 - 19891990 - 19992000 - 2009THE BOULEVARDSHollYwood BoulevardSunset BoulevardWilshire BoulevardMiracle MileCITIES + DISTRICTSGlendalePalm SPrinGsPasadenaSilver Lake ARCHITECTURE SPECIALTheatresEichler HomesGooGieTract HousinGVictoriansTOURISTICLocations + LandmarksRestaurantsPHOTO GALLERYPanoramaAerial PhotoStreet PhotoGraPhYTransPortationHollYwood RePorter