/ by Thomas DeVoss


sky house, kiyonori kikutake, 1958
“Raised on stilts 20 feet high, Sky House hovers above Japan’s surface, metaphorically free of its dangers and rules. Sky House grew with Kikutake’s family: in 1962, the first of three capsules …


sky house, kiyonori kikutake, 1958

“Raised on stilts 20 feet high, Sky House hovers above Japan’s surface, metaphorically free of its dangers and rules. Sky House grew with Kikutake’s family: in 1962, the first of three capsules was plugged into the exposed underbelly of the house to accommodate new children. Kikutake later reflected that the move-nets were too small and stifled the children’s activity; when British architect James Stirling came to visit, he couldn’t fit down the narrow stairway into the capsule.”

Source: http://archpaper.com/news/articles.asp?id=...