Casa Romany, Pacific Palisades, Los Angeles, CA
Arquitecto Alberto Kalach, 2004Ticks all the right boxes. Also, please check out (and drool over) Kalach’s Casa La Atalaya, built between 2000 and 2008.
Harry Rosenthal - Zweig Residence, Berlin 1930. From an amazing survey in Pentagram Papers a few years ago featuring Jewish architects living in Germany during the war. All had to abandon their practice, many emigrated, and several died at the hands of the regime. Rosenthal fled to Palestine and then England, and despite his success in Germany prior to 1933, was unable to reestablish his practice.
Sweden’s new, spectacular skiing attraction, Skipark 360°, is the world’s most complete indoor ski park with a 700 m long downhill slope and a drop of 160 m, making it the only indoor ski slope in the world to meet the requirements for hosting the World Cup.