/ by Thomas DeVoss



Earthships sound like they might just beam us beyond our current laws of reality,  and they delightfully look like it too. Architect Mike Reynolds has been  developing his Earthships for decades, traveling from their …



Earthships sound like they might just beam us beyond our current laws of reality, and they delightfully look like it too. Architect Mike Reynolds has been developing his Earthships for decades, traveling from their base in Taos, New Mexico to Haiti, China, and even the Lower East Side of Manhattan.

An Earthship derives its electricity from the sun and wind, its water from rain and snow, and its temperature regulation from the earth. An internal sewage treatment system means each drop of water is used four times, feeding lush wetlands of flowers and vegetables. The walls are literally made of trash: tires filled with dirt, glorious stained glass windows of old beer bottles. It doesn’t get much more radically self-sustainable than this, folks.

via unconsumption More: Hitching a Ride on an Earthship :: Etsy Blog

Jeffrey prefers the layout of these compared to just a little cob house, which is fine by me, they make so much more sense, and we can have a good yield of food indoors as well. I prefer the idea of having one long house instead of a few smaller buildings which is something we’ve also been looking at. No rush, we have to work on getting that land first :) 

Source: http://www.etsy.com/storque/read/hitching-...