/ by Thomas DeVoss


Environmental Sections. Took a long time to do this. Not the photoshop work itself which took around 6 hours but actually setting up the illustrator file and figuring out the details took a while. The drawing had to show sun angle as well, which is not very visible on the screen but I think it will be much more visible when its printed on an A2. If you have been following my previous posts on the project, you can see that its developed quite a bit from the concept sketch I had after the mid-semester review. I needed to show that it was a semi-conditioned space so I’ve made the interior in the winter section a bit warmer to show how conditioning works. There is a closed greenhouse that’s not connected directly to the housing as seen in my concept sketch but they still kind of work in tandem with each other, otherwise it would have been quite impractical. I haven’t shown any arrows to indicate how the ventilation works but the open louvers in the summer section indicate how the venting works in summer and they’re entirely closed in the winter section. They deciduous trees are good for shading in summer and letting as much light in as possible during winter, by shutting down during winter it and effectively reduces moisture build up which means lesser venting, which in turn means more heat is conserved. And bloody hell I need to get my sleep pattern back on track. 

Source: http://studioarchitectura.tumblr.com/post/...