/ by Thomas DeVoss

Shanghai Main Station District Masterplan

Credits: Michael Sorkin, 
Makoto Okazaki, Mitchell Joachim, 
Maria Aiolova, Yanqing Sun, 
Melanie Fessel, Yu Ping Hsieh, 
Andrei Vovk, Glen Barfield

“Our urban design master plan, commissioned by the municipality, is for a 77 hectare site in the Zhabei district of Shanghai. The rapidly developing area includes the city’s northern train station - a major hub - and is bordered by the Suzhou river, one of Shanghai’s great neglected assets. This scheme seeks to “com?plete” the district by reclaiming its waterfront; by retaining the vanishing small-scale com?mercial character of its historic fabric; by providing for a rich mix of uses; by adding a thick layer of green and sustainable interven?tions; by specifying the forms and densities of new buildings and street-scapes; and by developing a rich texture of public spaces”


Source: http://www.sorkinstudio.com/Shang1.htm