/ by Thomas DeVoss


New Dehli-based Anagram Architects have designed this impressive facade as part of their office building for the ‘South Asian Human Right Documentation Centre’,  or SAHRDC, a non-governmental rights organization in New Dehli, India. It’s …


New Dehli-based Anagram Architects have designed this impressive facade as part of their office building for the ‘South Asian Human Right Documentation Centre’,
or SAHRDC, a non-governmental rights organization in New Dehli, India. It’s based on a modular systems of 6 bricks - we like that the wall hasn’t been painted or plastered over, the rawness of the material gives the illusion of movement, balance and transformation… a bit like Transformers’ Jenga, but we won’t be trying to remove any bricks any time soon…

via designboom

Source: http://www.designboom.com/weblog/cat/9/vie...