/ by Thomas DeVoss


A Glow in the West Texas Desert - NYTimes.com

An interesting read on living off the grid. This guy bought some cheap land, built a few structures and set about figuring out life in his own experiment that he named Field Lab. 



A Glow in the West Texas Desert - NYTimes.com

An interesting read on living off the grid. This guy bought some cheap land, built a few structures and set about figuring out life in his own experiment that he named Field Lab. 

Following a long tradition of solitary back-to-the-landers, Mr. Wells came here to hash life out on his own terms. His focus is on taming this rough environment to his own frugal needs, and delighting in the mental and physical puzzles it presents. Wind power or solar? What’s it like to hand-mix cement? How much water can you snatch in a half-hour of rain? Can you dam a gully? How do you build a swamp cooler, or an icebox? How long does it take to cook chicken cutlets in a solar oven? What’s the best Spam flavor? (Hickory-smoked, as it happens.)”


Source: http://shaneguiter.tumblr.com/post/3754157...