/ by Thomas DeVoss



Lab Creates 3 Layered Solar Panel, Catches Full Solar Spectrum | Inhabitat - Green Design Will Save the World

Solar panels are great, but they’ve got one huge problem. On average, they only catch about 15% of the sun’s r…



Lab Creates 3 Layered Solar Panel, Catches Full Solar Spectrum | Inhabitat - Green Design Will Save the World

Solar panels are great, but they’ve got one huge problem. On average, they only catch about 15% of the sun’s rays and scientists are scrambling to find a way to increase that efficiency — using mirrors and even the shaping them like origami. Well, RoseStreet Labs might just have a solution – they’ve created a thin film solar panel that integrates three separate layers of PV cells into one panel. Each layer captures a different part of the sun’s spectrum bringing the total efficiency above 35%.

Source: http://inhabitat.com/2010/06/30/lab-unveil...