D-Project by Youssef Tohme/ARCHITECTS
D-Project – Villa in Progress
Design Development Phase, 2009
Location: Lebanon, New Naccache
Type: Residential
Project Total Area: 1.700sqm
Type: Residential
Architects in Charge: Y.TOHME/ARCHITECTS
Architect: Youssef Tohme
Project Architect: Rani Boustani
Collaborate Architects: Anastasia Elrouss, Joanne Hennaoui
Consultant Architects: Christophe Hurgon
Project Description:
“The site is situated on a hill in front of the sea. The Horizon question comes naturally. How to grasp the same impression inside this villa as if we are in front of a vast infinite horizon? How can we inhabit the existing forest and which relationship can be forged with nature? Finally how to respond to the client’s wishes of inhabiting one floor with an extension for their children keeping the image of a villa with a minor impact within its environment?…“
- http://architecturelab.net/05/d-project-by-youssef-tohmearchitects/