A speech to graduating Harvard architects / by Thomas DeVoss

“I was invited to address the 2011 graduating class or architects from the Harvard Graduate School of Design last week. Some of them wrote me over the weekend asking to put the talk up online.  So here it is….

First of all, I’m not sure if your organizers today were aware of this, but  I actually don’t give a lot of speeches. I’m usually the guy doing the inviting. Frankly, it’s a lot more comfortable that way.  But… I couldn’t pass up the chance to spend some time with a group of people who have so much to offer the world. Truly, it’s an honor to be here.

To begin with, a favor.  If you are one of the graduating class, I would like you please to stand up.  I want to see you properly.  Thank you. Congratulations. You made it.  And if you would, I would like you to hold your heads very still for just the next 10 seconds or so. Because, I  have an app on my ipad here that’s pretty cool. I’m not taking your picture. What I’m doing, if you don’t mind,  is just grabbing a download of the contents of each of your brains. Thank you. You may sit….


–Chris Anderson