/ by Thomas DeVoss

25-Year Refab: Concrete Factory Converted to Castle Home

Over a quarter of a century ago, an architect stumbled upon the half-ruined remains of an old cement factory. The grounds contained dozens of silos, vast subterranean spaces and long-silent manufacturing equipment

Decades later, the results of his ongoing renovation project are beyond remarkable. The complex now houses its re-designer, Gothic-influenced Spanish architect Ricardo Bofill, serving as his primary residence.

Layers of lush greenery – ivy, cypress, eucalyptus, palm and olive trees – have been slowly added (and subsequently grown) throughout this piece-by-piece remodel, giving the exterior grounds new life as well as the interior areas.

Also, I do believe the architect is married to Paulina Rubio, and that the house was featured on cribs:


Source: http://dornob.com/25-year-refab-concrete-f...